Important Update from the Board
Considering recent posts the board asked that I post this motion that was approved at the meeting 6-20-15. This motion is in response to Wildwood’s current position with DNR and our attempts to stay in compliance. I’m sure everyone is aware of the seriousness of staying in compliance.
Ron M made a motion a new automatic fine be added to the rules and regulations to assess a $1,000 fine for pumping a holding tank. The fine will be assessed per holding tank and per incident. In addition, any cost for cleanup due to a spill from personally pumping a tank will be the responsibility of the person doing the pumping and or hauling. John 2nd. Motion passed unanimously.
Additionally, there will be future guidance on the blue totes. The board is waiting on guidance from DNR on this issue. Currently, the blue totes may be used if your waste comes directly from your camper to the tote. Totes may not be used to hold waste that is pumped from a holding tank. The maximum size tote that may be used to transport waste is 45 gallons. Waste transported in a tote larger than 45 gallons will result in an automatic fine.
Please understand these rules are necessary for Wildwood to comply with DNR. They are not intended to cause anyone an inconvenience. Please keep our park safe by complying with these rules.
– The Board of Directors