Building Codes and Permits

Building Codes and Permits

Read through the entire document and fill in the form at the bottom in order to begin the approval process for your project.

Date: Nov 2, 2019 

Approval Date: Nov 2, 2019 

**This Document supersedes all previous building codes. Any discrepancies between this  document and the Covenants & Bylaws, the Covenants & Bylaws prevail. 

General Information: 

Building permit applications are obtained from the Wildwood office. 

All structures, additions, enclosures, concrete pads, and solar panels need a permit and a  survey. This does not include repairs or replacement of shingles, windows, or deck boards but  does include enclosing and/or resizing. 

Only members of the Environmental Committee are allowed to approve a Building Permit.  Only members of the Environmental Committee or sub-committee are allowed to sign building  permits.  

When a lot owner signs a request for a building permit, the owner automatically gives  permission for the members(s) of the committee and/or sub-committee to go on the lot to carry  out their duty. This includes: compliance visits prior and during construction, and final  inspections of the project. 

The Environmental Committee and the Board of Directors have established the following  procedures for obtaining a “Building Permit” to either build a new structure, or modify an  existing structure. 

Buildings, RV’s, & structures allowed on one Lot.  

  • One garage, One (1) RV, one (1) car cover, one (1) freestanding structure up to  960 square feet or one (1) RV cover up to 960 square feet, two (2) sheds up to 144  square feet each or one (1) shed up to 288 square feet are allowed per lot. 
  • A second RV may be allowed instead of a freestanding structure, with written  permission of the Natural Resources Committee. 

Section 1: Obtaining a Building Permit: 

(1) The lot owner is to have their lot clearly marked with a temporary or permanent lot  identification number. 

Example: D112

(2) Any lot owner requesting a building permit will be required to have a licensed survey  on file at the Wildwood office. The licensed survey must be in the name of the lot owner  and will be recognized by Wildwood as long as the lot has not changed ownership. 

Resolution 08/08/11: “As long as the surveyed owns the lot the official  lot survey will be accepted. If a lot is sold within 10 years of the date on the  survey, the survey will stay with the deed and will be accepted. After 10  years from the date on the survey, if the lot changes hands, the lot must be  surveyed again. In so saying Wildwood, its staff and the board are not  responsible for the actual boundaries of lots sold. If a person has a question  concerning the boundaries of his/her lot, the person asking the question  must pay for the survey to answer the question. (a new owner is always  encouraged to have their lot(s) surveyed at their own expense) 

(3) A survey is required for any structure. This includes but not limited to decks, footings,  overhangs, carports, permanent or temporary structures, and holding tank sights. All  holding tanks must be approved by Wildwood. 

(4) The lot owner must stake out the location where the building or structure is to be built  with CLEARLY marked stakes or flags. This must be marked out plain and clear with four  (4) corners of the proposed building.  

(5) Submit your building permit/construction plan application to the office. The office will  check the application for completion. The office will then notify the Environmental  Committee that a building permit/construction plan application has been submitted. The  Environmental Committee will ensure compliance with the WLOA building codes. The plan  must include, but not limited to the following: 

  1. What type of building or addition is to be done and if it will be used for storage or  for habitable space. 
  2. Detail of the construction plans including all construction materials that will be  used. All pre-used material must be identified in the building permit application. c. A detailed drawing of the lot showing all existing buildings and your proposed  building or renovation or holding tank. 

(6) All plans that are in compliance will be approved by the Chair or Co-Chair of the  Environmental Committee and signed by a chair, co-chair and/or a Sub-Committee  member. A building permit will then be issued.  

  • This signed permit gives the authority to begin construction. All building  permits must be posted on your lot and visible from the road.

(7) No building permits will be issued by phone. Permits will remain on your lot until the  final inspection visit. 

(8) Environmental Committee will make several visits during the construction to verify  that the accepted building standards are being applied and construction is in compliance  with the approved plan. 

(9) At any time construction commences prior to the issuance of a permit or the actual  construction deviates from the original approved plan, a stop order will be issued. The lot  owner will be notified by letter by the Environmental Committee Chairperson, that the  owner is in violation of the Covenants, Bylaws, Rules & Regulation and/or Building Codes  and if construction continues, appropriate action will be taken against the lot owner by the  Board of Directors. If construction is completed without an issuance of a permit or in  violation of a Stop Order, a fine will be assessed and the structure will be subject to  removal. 

(10) When a building permit is issued, the permit is good for 120 days. If needed, the lot  owner may request an extension of the standard building permit form from Environmental  Committee. Requests for extensions must have an attached copy of the original permit.  Only two (2) extensions, 120 days each, will be given for each project. 

(11) Any lot owner who has submitted a building permit/construction permit application or  extension and has been denied, has the right to submit a written appeal to the Park  Council through the Environmental Committee within thirty (30) days of the decision  stating why the lot owner is appealing. 

Section 2: Building Types

Note: the following applies to all buildings regardless of type. 

As per WLOA Covenant 4.1.2 Buildings 

  1. a) No building, screened area, deck porch, free standing building or other structure  shall be erected, affixed, placed or constructed upon any lot without prior written  permission by the Environmental Committee of the Council as to form, size and  location. Excepted from this requirement of written permission are driveways,  parking areas. It is the intent of these Covenants that all buildings, screened areas  and other structures within the property shall be of sound construction and  constructed of attractive exterior materials. 
  2. b) Freestanding Buildings: Maximum size of a freestanding building on a single lot  shall not exceed 960 square feet. 
  3. c) Storage Sheds: shall not have a floor area in excess of 288 square feet, nor a  floor to ceiling height in excess of eight (8) feet and shall be erected for the sole  purpose of storing materials and/or personal property. A limit of two (2) sheds per  lot with a square footage not to exceed a total of 288 square feet.


  1. The Lot owner must obtain a building permit application from the Wildwood office.  Applications require the same standards as in Section (1). 
  2. All structures need to be set back three (3) feet from surveyed property lines and 10  feet from the road. 
  • Callaway REA easement is 20 feet from the center of the electric line. 3. Survey must be on file in the Wildwood Office before permit or construction can begin. Pre-engineered Portable Buildings 

(1) Sheds: All sheds for which an application for a permit is submitted will require a  picture of the shed, dimensions, and a drawing of the proposed location on the owner’s  lot. 

(2) Car/RV Ports: All covered car/rv ports for which an application for a permit is  submitted will require a picture of the structure, dimensions, and a drawing of the  proposed location on the owner’s lot. 

  • All pre-engineered ports must be securely anchored to the ground with industry  standard anchors. 

(3) Shipping Containers (approved by PC 8/8/2020, approved by BOD 9/12/2020)

  1. Container will not exceed 20′ in length.
  2. Container will not be used as a living space.
  3. Container renovation permit will be issued for only 45 days with no extensions. Failure to complete renovation within the 45 day period will result in a $25/day fine until completion or removal of container.
  4. Container will be leveled on site.
  5. Container will be sided with backed siding, T1-11, or a T1-11 equivalent siding material.
  6. Container will have a framed roof. Gable or lean-to style.
  7. Entry doors will be painted.
  8. All other improvements, i.e. electric, will be completed according to stated building codes.

Free Standing Structure is a structure designed as living quarters. 

(1) One allowed per lot. 

(2) Free standing structures do not include storage sheds, screened porches, carports, rv  covers or patio covers. 

(3) Basements and 1½ story structures will be allowed: 

  1. A maximum of a 960 square feet footprint per single lot or up to a 1400 square  feet footprint if crossing property lines of 2 adjacent properties. If the square footage  of the structure crosses property lines, the properties must be deeded in the same  property owner’s name. 

Storage Sheds 

(1) Storage shed footprint shall not exceed 288 square feet of floor space, not to exceed a  maximum height of eight (8) feet from the floor to ceiling.  

  • Two sheds of 144 square feet are also permitted. Only one (1) shed over 144  square feet is allowed. A total of two (2) sheds must not exceed 288 square  feet.

Open Decks/Concrete Patios – One (1) per lot. 

(1) Open decks must be built with pressure treated lumber or better product. Decks  cannot exceed 560 square feet. 

(2) Concrete patios cannot exceed 560 square feet.  

RV Ports and Car Ports – One (1) per lot not to exceed 960 square feet.  (1) RV ports are not to exceed a height of 14 feet to the eaves. 

(2) Carports are not to exceed 8 feet to the eaves. 

Section 3 

  1. General building policies 

Minimum building requirements shall be as follows: 

(1) Footings and/or piers to be at least eight (8) inches thick, twenty-four (24) inches  wide, and depth to frost line (approximately 32 inches).  

  • ½” rebars will be required in all footing and foundations. 

(2) Foundations cannot exceed three (3) feet above the highest lot elevation. (3) Free standing decks can be placed on deck blocks. 

(4) 6” x 6” treated posts must be used for all wood carports and RV ports and buried to  frost line with concrete or compacted with aggregate material at a max of 10’ apart. ● RV port headers must be a minimum of 2” x 8” and if not notched into the 6” x 6” treated lumber, lag or carriage bolts must be used to attach the header.  

(5) Minimum of 2” x 10” floor joist on spans of 12 to 15 feet. Joist, must be placed 16” on  Center, spans of 12-16’ must have center support beam. 

  • Minimum of 2” x 12” floor joist on spans of 16 to 20 feet and must have a center  support beam. 
  • Anything exceeding 20 feet must be engineered. 
  • Skirt boards/ban boards must be equivalent to joist size. 

(6) Treated lumber or better must be used on anything that touches the ground or  concrete.  

(7) Minimum of 5/8” plywood or better must be used for sub-floor.

(8) A minimum of 2” x 4” wall plates and studs to be placed 16” on center. Headers are  required over windows and doors per spec at 1” header thickness for every one (1) foot of  span. 

(9) Single 2” x 4” bottom plate and double 2” x 4” top plate is required.  

  • Top plate must span a seam by 4 feet. 

(10) A minimum of 7/16” sidewall sheet siding is required.  

Finished exterior siding can be used: 

  • T – 111 or equivalent 
  • Vinyl siding 
  • Aluminum siding 
  • Horizontal lap siding 
  • Steel sheeting can be used but not galvanized.  

(11) Minimum of 2” x 4” engineered trusses, 24” on center, with lateral bracing.  ● Vaulted ceiling must use 2” x 6” up to a 12’ vault.  

  • All trusses must be strapped to top plate.  
  • All roof pitches shall be a minimum of 4 – 12.  
  • Eaves and overhangs cannot exceed 3 feet.  

(12) Minimum roof sheeting to be 7/16” plywood or OSB. 

  • Trusses 16” on center, no clips needed. Trusses 24” on center, must use clips ● Roof must be shingled with 20 year shingles or better. 
  • Pre-finished metal roofing – no galvanized roofing allowed. 

(13) Soffits must be enclosed by means of screen, wood, or vinyl.  

  • No open soffits allowed. 

(14) Roofs must be vented by soffit, turban, gable, ridge cap, or square roof vents. 

(15) Freestanding structures require a window or door on 3 sides of the building. A  minimum window size is to be 24” x 30” and a minimum door size is to be 32” x 80”. 

(16) All basements shall have a fire escape. A walkout door or Window (minimum size of  24″x30″) shall be required.  

  • No more than 3 feet of concrete shall be exposed above ground. Anything over 3  feet shall be covered with approved siding 
  1. Plumbing 

(1) Only Wildwood Services is allowed to tap into the main water line. 

(2) Black water must go into approved holding tank. 

(3) Gray water must go into a French field or approved holding tank.

(4) All underground water lines must be pex tubing or cpvc/pvc. 

(5) No black Iron or galvanized pipe. 

  1. Electrical 

(The following are just general guidelines. All electrical installations and connections must  comply with the National Electrical Codes and are not the responsibility of WW.) 

(1) All underground wire must be in conduit buried 18” deep. 

(2) All service must be grounded with grounding rod. 

(3) All outside receptacles must be protected by GFCI. 

(4) All receptacles within 18” of water must be GFCI protected. 

(5) All wire for lights must be a minimum of 14/2 copper. 

(6) All wire for receptacles must be 12/2 with ground copper. 

(7) All wire junctions must be in boxes and accessible. 

(8) Outlets must be 3 prong grounded. 

(9) Type of services needed: 

60 AMP Service: 

  1. Wire type minimum #6 cable, #4 wire or minimum and #6 THHN. 
  2. All underground service will be a minimum depth of 18” and in PVC type  pipe. 
  3. All service will be grounded with ½” x 8’ ground rod and #6 solid ground  wire to panel. 
  4. All 60 AMP service will be underground. No overhead service. 

100 AMP Service: 

  1. Wire size will be a minimum of #4 THHN type wire. 
  2. All underground service will be a minimum depth of 18” and in PVC type  pipe. 
  3. All service will be grounded with ½” x 8’ ground rod and #6 solid ground  wire to panel. 
  4. All 100 AMP service will be underground. No overhead service. 

200 AMP 

  1. Wire size will be a minimum of 3/0 copper wire.


  1. All underground service will be a minimum depth of 18” and in PVC type  pipe. 
  2. All service will be grounded with 5/8” x 8’ ground rod and #6 bare solid  ground wire to panel. 
  3. All 200 AMP service will be underground. No overhead service. 

(10) All circuits must go into a breaker box. 


If you are building a new structure, please attach a drawing of the structure. If you are putting in a shed, building, or carport please attach a picture of the shed, building, or carport you are having delivered. If you have more than two pictures to attach, please email the office and include in the subject line your lot number and that it corresponds with a building permit request.

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